Why organic cotton is the best material for your baby

Why organic cotton is the best material for your baby

As parents, we only want the best products for our little ones, don't we?
Organic cotton is a premium yet popular material of choice as it's naturally pure and soft.

When we started sourcing products for Bear and Burrow Baby, we made it our long, hard mission to search for suppliers who would make our products only using certified organic cotton.

So, is organic cotton really worth buying for your baby? Here we'll walk you the positive effects of organic cotton to your bub's comfort, safety and health so you can decide whether organic cotton is the beneficial for your baby.

It's gentle on skin

Your baby's delicate skin is super sensitive, making it prone to irritation and allergies. Organic cotton is renowned for its softness and breathability, making it the perfect choice for wearable baby products that come in direct contact with your baby's skin. Free from harsh chemicals, organic cotton reduces the risk of skin irritations as well.


Non-organic products may contain traces of pesticides and harmful chemicals used during the growing process. Organic cotton, however, is grown without the use of such synthetic substances, making it hypoallergenic and ideal for babies with sensitive skin, allergies, breathing conditions such as asthma or skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.

Safe, non-toxic

The production of organic cotton prohibits the use of toxic chemicals, artificial dyes, and finishes. As a result, baby products made from organic cotton are free from harmful residues that could be absorbed through your baby's skin.

Breathable and temperature-regulating

Organic cotton is well-known for its breathability, which allows air circulation and prevents your bub from over-heating. When my first-born developed heat rash, and eczema later on, his skin conditions noticeably flared up when he slept in less breathable, thicker or synthetic blankets.

Eco-friendly and sustainable

Choosing organic cotton also contributes to a healthier planet. Organic cotton farming practices promote biodiversity, reduce water consumption, and avoid the use of harmful chemicals, making it a more eco-friendly and sustainable choice for conscious parents.

Durable and long-lasting

Despite its softness, organic cotton is remarkably durable and can withstand frequent washing and usage. This durability ensures that products made from organic cotton, while they may fray over time, can retain their quality and shape over time.

GOTS Certified

We only source organic cotton products from factories that have the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification (yes, we made them to show us their certificates!). The GOTS certification takes it a step further, ensuring the authenticity and ethical standards of organic cotton products.

GOTS is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for organic fibres. GOTS certification guarantees that the entire production lifecycle, from cultivating the organic cotton in the fields to manufacturing the final product, adheres to strict ecological and social criteria.

It ensures that the cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals and follows ethical practices, including fair wages and safe working conditions for farmers and workers involved in the supply chain.

cotton stem
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